What can we help you with?
At Taylor-Hall we provide a range of services to help you plan your estates. We can help you prepare your financial affairs for the future so that they stand the test of time.

Writing a will is something that we often think about and remind ourselves that we really ought to get round to, but never actually do.
Although this is completely understandable and we don’t like to think about what would happen if we were not here, many of us don’t realise the severe consequences for those you leave behind if your will and estate is not in order.
The correct Will can allow you to :
- Specify whom you with to inherit your estate, in what order and in what proportions so that you have comfort in the knowledge that your wishes will be carried out.
- Make specific legacies to family or friends or gifts to your favorite charities.
- Appoint suitable guardians for young children rather than leaving the decision to the courts.
- Set up maintenance trusts for children to protect their inheritances until and age specified by you.
- Ensure the inheritance of your children or other beneficiaries should the survivor re-marry.
- Protect your share of the property from having to be sold to pay for the survivors future care fees, thus still having assets to leave to your family.
- Avoid paying 40% Inheritance Tax on your estate, so giving more to your chosen beneficiaries rather than the Government.
At Taylor Hall Financial Services, we work closely with you to understand your family situation, and our experience and level of technical excellence will guide you through the process of providing for the people you leave behind.

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a way of giving someone you trust (your attorney) the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf should you lose mental capacity at some point in the future. The LPA is a legal document made whilst you still have mental capacity. If you do not have an LPA in place and later become mentally incapacitated, relatives may face long delays and expense in applying to the Court of Protection to get access and take control of your assets and finances.
- Buying or selling property
- Operating bank accounts
- Giving access to the donor's financial information
- Claiming welfare benefits or pension
- Receiving any income, inheritance or other entitlement
- Dealing with the donor's tax affairs
- Paying the donor's mortgage, rent and household expenses
- Insuring, maintaining and repairing the donor's property
- Investing the donor's savings
- Making limited gifts on the donor's behalf
- Paying for private medical care and residential care or nursing home fees
- Where the donor should live
- Donor's day-to-day care
- Who the donor may have contact with
- Consenting or refusing medical treatments
- Arranging medical, dental, or optical treatments
- Assessments and provision of community care services
- Donor taking part in social activities, leisure activities or education
- Manage the donor's personal correspondence and papers
- Access to personal information about donor
- Complaints about the donor's care or treatment
To organise a completely free consultation with Taylor-Hall Financial Services, call us today on:
0191 581 9018.